
Terrible paradox

My line edits are officially done! Yay! *(unless, of course, there are line edits of my line edits, or even line edits of those line edits of my line edits… I fear it could lead to a terrible paradox, like dividing by zero).

Initially, when I looked over the sea of comments in TrackChanges, line edits seemed like no big deal. I figured I’d line edit, finish in a few days, and then reread it a few times spaced a few days apart. That way, I figured my wonderful editor, Molly O’Neill, wouldn’t see me as a lazy bum when I turned in the manuscript shockingly early. That way, I also figured, I’d really catch the fine details– because I really only needed to mop up the little things.

It’s a laughable thought now. As I got deeper into the revision, I found myself analyzing my manuscript in such fine detail I’d never examined it in before. What seemed like minor changes actually led to substantial changes. At times, line edits threatened to fry my brain. And then one day, quite abruptly, the task was finished, and I was left wondering how to fill my every waking moment now that line edits were no more. As for finishing early? I went two days over.

::bows head in shame::

So, there it is. The summary of a newbie author’s first experience with line editing.

In any case, unless there’s a terrible paradox in my near future, I should have more time now to turn my attention towards my neglected blog. Oh, and towards cute animal videos like these:

Man makes TV Intro for His Own Cat

Dog is Good at Playing Dead

Baby Seal

  1. Gotta love line edits. 😛

    Congrats on finishing them. And just think, you get to do them again for the next book too. Aren’t you excited about that? 😀

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